3/31 - Youth Group 11:00
4/6 - Saturday Turner's sale help Lion's club between 9-3, no one needs to be there the whole time but if your youth have anytime they can spare please
bring them down.
4/7 - No Youth Group
4/14 - 11:00 Youth Group, Orders for Mother's Day flowers due, the youth group is once again selling hanging baskets for $25 to help raise money for our
mission trip, please let me know how many were sold and bring me the money to be deposited in our account
4/21 - No youth group Easter Sunday
4/28 - 11:00 Youth Group, Mini golf outing weather permitting
5/5 - 9:30 Car Wash, Youth and as many parents willing to help volunteer to help wash and move cars, be to church by 9:30
5/12 - No youth group Mother's Day
5/19 - 11:00 Youth Group
5/26 - No youth group Memorial Day weekend
6/2 - 11:00 Youth Group
6/9 - 11:00 Mission trip review, packing, itinerary, etc.
6/16 - No Youth Group Father's day
6/23-6/30 - Mission Trip
8/4 Youth Group Sunday